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End of Term letter - July 2024

Our Ref: DK/jh/gltr/July 24    

16th July 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

As I write to you for the final time this year, I aim to provide you with key details not only for the end of this term on Friday, but also dates and details for September along with an update on the behaviour system next year.

In this letter we will cover the following in more detail:

  • Arrangements for the final day of the Summer Term and the first days back in September
  • Summer holiday site operations and contact information
  • External contacts - Safeguarding and support agencies
  • Changes to Catering prices for 2024-25
  • Community support - Preloved uniform
  • Pulse Magazine: Spring/Summer term edition
  • Staff leavers and final thoughts
  • Appendix = Key dates for Parents/Carers 2024-25

Arrangements for the final day of term: Friday 19th July

On the final day of term which is Friday 19th July, we will finish at 12 noon. Students who are in receipt of Free School Meals will be able to collect a sandwich or equivalent before they leave. 

Looking ahead to 2024-25: Arrangements for the first days back in September

We have Staff CPD days on Monday 2nd September and Tuesday 3rd September and will bring students back to school using a staggered approach from Wednesday 4th September to Thursday 5th September. This will ensure all year groups have an extended Tutor period before they begin normal lessons on Thursday 5th September.

Changes to site operations over the summer holidays
School working patterns are different during holidays, and whilst we do run a reception service over some parts of the summer break, response times can be slower than normal during term time. There is an emergency contact designated for each week, but emails sent to will only be forwarded to the designated Senior Leadership contact in exceptional circumstances.  Staff are generally not available on-site and we do restrict much of the site whilst building and renovation works take place.  

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads and Vice Principals will continue to check the Holyhead Helpline and enquiry inbox once per week.  However, to deal with urgent safeguarding issues you should note the contact details below:

External contacts - Safeguarding and Support Agencies

  • Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership (Children’s Advice and Support Service) – 0121 303 1888 –
  • Police and Schools Panels – 
  • Police (emergency) – 999 / (non-emergency) – 101
  • Police – Prevent (extremism and radicalisation) team –
  • Childline – – 0800 1111
  • NHS – 111
  • Women’s Aid (24 hour helpline) – 0800 980 3331 –
  • PAPYRUS (young persons suicide prevent team) – Tel: 0800 0684141
  • Samaritans – Free Tel: 116 123
  • Young Minds – Text line: text YM to 85258
  • Chat Health – Messaging service: 07480635485
  • Kooth –
  • Forward Thinking Birmingham (Mental health service) – 0300 300 0099
  • PAUSE – 020 7841 4470
  • Winstons Wish (bereavement) – – 08088 020 021
  • Cruse bereavement support – – 0808 808 1677
  • Edwards Trust (bereavement) – – 0121 454 4838

You can find more information, support and guidance on the Safeguarding section of the school website.

Changes to catering prices from September 2024
Whilst there are signs that inflation is easing, the cost of food has risen by 25% overall in the last two years, including a further 7% this year. This has contributed to a general rise in prices for everyone, everywhere, something that we have tried to prevent from having an impact on the prices of meals during this school year.

As a result of the current inflation rates and prices from suppliers, we are no longer able to offer the current food and drink prices next year. From 4th September 2024 the price of our meal deal will remain the same as 2023-24 £2.65 per day, however, the price of a number of other items on the menu will increase unfortunately. We are not looking at a blanket approach but instead targeting specific products and avoiding healthier items where possible. Another change is that sandwiches or baguettes are no longer available as part of the meal deal, but can be purchased as individual items.

These prices are still lower than other schools in the Trust and are benchmarked in comparison with local schools. If or when we see prices stabilise and reduce, we will pass this back via a reduction to our tariffs.

Preloved uniform - can you help by donating?
As we approach the end of another school year, it’s a good time to remind about our Preloved Uniform system which is designed to support families in the school community. If your child has any items of school uniform that they have outgrown or you are going to replace, please could you donate it to the school and it can be dry cleaned ready for a new owner. The generosity of our families continues to help us to support others so if you do have any donations to make, these can be handed in to the School Reception or students can give them to their Form Tutor. 

The items that can be donated are blazers, ties, black jumpers, black trousers, black skirts, white school shirts or blouses and PE kit items.

Pulse Magazine - Spring/Summer Edition
There has been a wealth of activity in this final term with a range of opportunities and experiences provided for the children here, culminating in our now annual Enrichment and Experiences week where we have collapsed the normal timetable to provide academic enrichment, competitions, visits and cultural experiences. Whilst this may be too late for articles to find a place in the Pulse magazine, you can take a look at the wide variety of events the students have been involved in here - Pulse Magazine Spring/Summer edition.

Staff leavers and final thoughts…
At the end of this productive year, I want to pay a special tribute to all of the adults that work here at Holyhead in the wide variety of roles that make up a school community. Without their continued commitment, care and creativity, the experiences you will read about in Pulse are not possible and this should never be taken for granted. 

As we come to the end of the school year it is also time to bid a fond farewell to those staff who are moving on to new adventures and opportunities:

  • Miss Clarke, Mrs Geddes, Miss Lewis, and our Food Technician, Miss Miller, as they move on to new roles.
  • A special thanks to Miss Miller, Miss Hussein, and Mrs Bulkeley for their impact while covering maternity leaves.

We thank them all for what they have given to the school community over years of dedicated service and wish them all the very best for the future beyond Holyhead!

Finally, I want to thank you all for your support, both to me personally in my first year in this role as Principal, but more importantly to the school as a whole and your child’s education. I will update you in September with news of the GCSE / A Level results and wish all of our students the best for big days in August (more specific details for Y11/13 parents/carers on arrangements for the Results Days can be found on the school website).

I am extremely grateful for your time in reading this letter.  May I wish you and your family good health and fortune over the summer break, not only from myself but from every member of staff that works here at Holyhead, and we all look forward to welcoming the students back to Holyhead in September. 

Yours faithfully and with sincere gratitude,

Dave Knox

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Milestone Lane,
B21 0HN

0121 523 1960