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Letters to Parents/Carers

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  • Advanced planning arrangements for Eid ul Fitr 2025

    Published 14/03/25
    Dear Parents/Carers, As we approach the end of the second week of the holy month of Ramadan, I wanted to provide you with advance notice of our plans as a school for the celebration of Eid ul Fitr which is forecast for either Monday 31st March or
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  • March 2025 Update Letter

    Published 04/03/25

    Dear Parent/Carer

    I hope you and your family are well as we move into March, and I would like to wish Ramadan Mubarak to all families who are observing the holy month! The focus of this month’s update letter includes information on:

    • Celebrating together at Holyhead this half-term: Culture Day and World Book Day

    • Update on school successes with DfE KS5 Performance Measures and continued high attendance 

    • Upcoming dates this half-term, including an early finish for Y11/13 Curriculum Review meetings

    Spring Festivals at Holyhead: Celebrating our diversity together

    The holy month of Ramadan began for Muslims at the weekend, and highlights the importance of family, charity, empathy and gratitude.  Our team has once again worked hard to provide very clear guidance on how observance of all aspects of Ramadan by students can be balanced alongside learning and upholding high expectations when in school, as well as balancing revision needs, and this was shared with families at the end of last week.  As a staff body we learn together so that all can contribute and participate, and we will also be providing students who are fasting and eligible for Free School Meals with the opportunity to collect a Ramadan Takeaway bag from the Front Food Pod at the end of the school day.

    Ramadan continues throughout March, and I will write to all families separately about our plans and communication on how we will operate the school on the day of Eid al-Fitr which is currently forecast to take place around Sunday 30th/Monday 31st March, and if this were to be on the Monday, as was the case in previous years there will likely be the need for two year groups to be educated remotely at home as a result of the high number of staff members who would also be observing this very special day.   

    Friday 14th March is the Hindu festival of Holi.  This celebration of good over evil marks the end of winter and the start of spring in South Asia and is marked by a festival of colour with optimism for the season ahead. 

    We also have a broad programme of events and activities planned during the Spring half-term. One of the most important activities will be our ‘Acts of Kindness’ calendar launched in assemblies by Miss Khatun, emphasising the importance of selflessness and respect for each other, not only at school, but in all aspects of our lives. This will also include our annual Easter Egg Drive to support local charitable organisations.

    With both Vaisakhi and Easter falling during the holidays at the end of the Spring term, we are planning to celebrate all of these major cultural and community events together with Holyhead’s annual Culture Day on Friday 11th April. Students will once again be invited to attend school in cultural clothing should they wish to, which can include items of blue or orange clothing to mark Vaisakhi or bright colours to represent the celebration of Holi. 

    World Book Day 2025 at Holyhead

    This year’s World Book Day takes place on Thursday 6th March and we will be marking this with a wide range of activities and opportunities for students to engage in the wonder of reading and literature, both on the day itself and for the following week. This week will see special competitions for students to get involved in, and all students will receive World Book Day tokens that can be used to purchase books, as well as author visits for Year 7 and 8.

    On World Book Day itself, we again invite students to dress in a costume to represent their favourite character from a book and are expecting them to bring in a copy of the book to accompany their costume. This is not compulsory and students not coming in costume should wear their school uniform as normal (any students who come to school in non-school uniform without their book will be expected to change back into school uniform). 

    Early finish - Wednesday 26th March: Y11/13 Curriculum Review afternoon

    We have a Year 11/13 Curriculum Review afternoon taking place on Wednesday 26th March with students finishing at 1.15pm to enable extended subject meetings to take place in the afternoon that day. These meetings will focus on key actions to be taken to support students in the crucial final weeks after the Spring Mock exams and before the summer exams which begin in May. Students eligible for Free School Meals will be able to collect lunch at the end of Period 3 and all students will be set additional homework on Google Classroom by their Period 4 teachers.

    School Successes: Sixth Form Performance Measures and Attendance Matters!

    I’m pleased to update you all that following the publication of Key Stage 5 Performance Measures by the Department for Education which show that Holyhead has achieved Above Average Progress at A Level, and Well Above Average Progress in the Applied General and Tech Level qualifications we offer. To be categorised as Above Average means that the progress made by A Level students at Holyhead was in the top 20% nationally, and to be categorised as Well Above Average means that the school is in the top 5% nationally! This is a fantastic achievement and demonstrates the strength of our Sixth Form offer as well as the quality of teaching and support at the school! You can find out more from the school’s page on the DfE Compare School Performance website here.

    School attendance continues to be a major focus of the government’s  work at the moment in education, such are the concerns nationally. I am once again pleased to report that attendance at Holyhead is strong and is currently again 2% above the national average, and alongside this we have received more attendance awards from Fisher Family Trust. We should celebrate our current and continued successes, however, it is absolutely crucial that we all continue to strive for the best as we know the many benefits for students of regular high attendance, both academically and socially, acknowledging the vital role that parents and carers play in enabling this.

    Key upcoming dates and events in March/April 

    • The Y11/13 Curriculum Review Afternoon takes place on Wednesday 26th March with students finishing early that day at 1.15pm (the end of Period 3).

    • The Year 12 Subject Parents’ Evening originally scheduled for Thursday 6th March and moved due to the clash with Ramadan will be held on Thursday 3rd April from 4-6pm.

    • We break up for the Easter holidays on Friday 11th April at 3.15pm and return to school again on Monday 28th April at 8.40am.

    As ever, I thank you for your time in reading this letter and wish you and your family good health and fortune for the weeks ahead, including a peaceful half-term to come.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr D Knox

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  • February 2025 Update letter

    Published 04/02/25

    Our Ref: DK/jh/gltr/feb 25  

    4th February 2025

    Dear Parent/Carer

    I hope you and your family are well as we move towards the half-term holidays at the end of next week. The focus of this month’s update letter includes information on:

    • Major events at Holyhead this February
    • GCSE Options support and information for Year 9 parents/carers
    • Safer Internet Day support, and guidance on online safety for parents/carers
    • Upcoming dates to look out for during February, including Parents’ Evening changes

    Major events at Holyhead this February - Sister Act and the School Ski Trip
    We are proud to present the first school production since 2019 with the performances of Sister Act on Wednesday 5th February and Thursday 6th February. The evening shows will see doors open at 5.30pm with the show to start at 6pm prompt. If you are interested in attending, tickets are selling fast and are available for £2.50 via Parent Pay. 

    February also sees a moment of Holyhead history as 40 students will be taking part in the school’s first ever Ski Trip to Piancavallo in Italy. We wish the staff and pioneering students a wonderful time away and hope they make memories for a lifetime during their time on the slopes in the Alps or on the coach journeys there and back!

    Year 9 GCSE Options: How we will support students and parents/carers 
    As we move into February, we begin the process of Year 9 students selecting their GCSE options subjects that they will study in Year 10 and 11. This will involve a range of opportunities for students and parents to get the information and guidance to make well informed decisions ahead of the deadline which comes at the end of the Spring term. 

    For students, this information will involve:

    • A GCSE Options launch assembly.
    • Year 9 Subject Parents’ Evening will now take place on Thursday 27th February to avoid a clash with Ramadan. There will be additional information on GCSE Options as well as the chance to meet teachers.
    • GCSE style ‘taster’ lessons in subjects during the week beginning Monday 3rd March.

    For parents/carers, this information will involve:

    • A GCSE Options Information presentation for parents/carers on Thursday 27th February during the Y9 Subject Parents’ Evening where parents/carers will be able to book a slot for a 20 minute presentation on the GCSE Options process from Mrs Denny and Mr Bowen followed by the opportunity to ask questions. 
    • The 2025 GCSE Options handbook which includes key information on all of the subjects available.
    • A dedicated Y9 GCSE Options section on the Parent Portal tab of the school website including subject specific short video guides on what to expect from each of the GCSEs.

    NGRT Testing - Supporting students with reading
    Students across Y7-10 will be sitting their second set of NGRT reading tests in English lessons over the next couple of weeks leading up to half-term. These tests are designed to measure reading ages and provide valuable data to help us to support students who are identified as needing more intensive interventions. These tests do not require any preparation other than for students to bring their chromebooks to lessons, and their scores will be compared against those from the initial set of tests at the start of the school year.

    Safer Internet Day - Supporting parents/carers
    Safer Internet Day 2025 takes place on Tuesday 11th February and the theme of February’s Safeguarding Newsletter produced by Mr Beale is supporting parents/carers with awareness of online safety. The Newsletter is available from the Safeguarding section of the school website and you can read it here.

    West Mercia Police are also providing a number of free Exploitation and Online Safety Training one-hour sessions for parents to give themselves a head start in an ever-changing society when it comes to online safety. The sessions are all hosted on Microsoft Teams and can be booked via Eventbrite using the link here

    The sessions will be taking place on:

    • Friday 7th February at 10:00
    • Tuesday 11th February at 10:00
    • Monday 24th February at 19:00

    February half-term Revision sessions: Year 11 and Year 13
    We will be running a programme of revision and coursework sessions over the half-term holidays for Year 11 and 13 students from Monday 17th - Thursday 20th February. Students involved will receive consent letters and we ask that these are signed by parents/carers and returned by students before we break up for half-term. 

    Parents’ Evening Calendar changes - Ramadan 
    With the holy month of Ramadan set to take place through March, we have made some alterations to the calendar to ensure there are no clashes with Subject Parents’ Evening. As mentioned previously in the section on GCSE Options, the Year 9 Subject/Options Parents’ Evening has been moved forward from Thursday 20th March to Thursday 27th February, and the Year 12 Subject Parents’ Evening that was scheduled for Thursday 6th March has been moved back to Thursday 3rd April.

    Key upcoming dates and events in February

    • The Spring term Mock Exams for Y11/13 began on Monday 3rd February (until Tuesday 25th February).
    • Sister Act School Production evening performances on Wed 5th/Thurs 6th February from 5.30 - 8.30pm.
    • The Year 7 Subject Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 13th February from 4-7pm
    • We break up for the February half-term on Friday 14th February at 3.15pm and return to school again on Monday 24th February at 8.40am.
    • Year 9 Subject Parents’ Evening (plus Options Information talks) on Thursday 27th February from 4-7pm.

    As ever, I thank you for your time in reading this letter and wish you and your family good health and fortune for the weeks ahead, including a peaceful half-term to come.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr D Knox

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  • January 2025 Update letter

    Published 08/01/25

    Our Ref: DK/jh/gltr/jan 25

    8th January 2025

    Dear Parent/Carer

    I hope you and your family are well and you had a pleasant holiday season. January’s update letter will hopefully be of help to you, with a focus on:

    • Information on the Curriculum Review Meeting and early finish for students on Tuesday 14th January
    • The next SEND Community Cafe event for Parents/Carers led by the Speech and Language Therapist
    • Subject Parents’ Evenings this half-term for Year 11 and Year 7
    • Website update - Attendance and Punctuality information for parents and carers
    • Other key dates for the half-term including dates for the School Production of Sister Act.

    Curriculum Review Meeting - Tuesday 14th January (Students finish at 1pm)
    As was mentioned in the December update letter, following on from the recent assessments in Y7/8 we will be holding a KS3 Curriculum Review afternoon on Tuesday 14th January. Subject teams will be reviewing the performance of students in these assessments and working together on how to make changes to the curriculum and lesson resources in the weeks ahead to help support the identified areas for development. 

    To enable staff to do this as effectively as possible, we are providing additional time through an early finish for students that afternoon. Students will finish at 1pm and will be dismissed by their Period 3 teachers with the following key details also relevant for you to know:

    • Students who are eligible for Free School Meals will be able to collect a packed lunch from the Food Pods/Dining Hall before going home.
    • Detentions will be held in the normal venues at 1pm so any student with a detention will be delayed in leaving school. You will be notified as normal via Arbor if your child has a detention.
    • Period 4 teachers will be instructed to set additional homework for students via Google Classroom or an alternative platform. 

    Parental Engagement/SEND Support - Community Cafe event on Tuesday 14th January
    Following on from the first SEND Community Cafe event in November with a focus on Autism, we will be hosting another SEND Community Cafe on Tuesday 14th January from 11am - 12.30pm in the Library. 

    The focus of this SEND Community Cafe is to provide expert support for parents from the school’s Speech and Language Therapist along with Mrs Robinson who is the SENDCo at Holyhead. Themes that will be covered include:

    • Speech pronunciation and fluency skills
    • Expressive language
    • Understanding language
    • Social interaction and play skills
    • Attention and listening skills

    If you are interested in attending this event please contact with your details so we can provide you with more information in advance.

    Subject Parents’ Evenings this half-term
    There are two Subject Parents’ Evenings coming up in this half-term and parents will be sent information in advance of each of these events with the information on how to book appointment slots with your child’s teachers directly via Arbor as usual. The dates of these important opportunities is below:

    • The Year 11 Subject Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 23rd January from 4-7pm. 
    • The Year 7 Subject Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 13th February from 4-7pm. 

    Upcoming website update: Attendance and Punctuality - Processes and policy
    In a number of previous letters I have written to update you on the successes of our work on attendance, including notifying you of the awards and recognition we have received for our well above national average attendance over the last two years. 

    The work to secure such positive attendance is collective and your continued support is absolutely crucial in this. To support parents and carers we will be updating our information on the school website to provide all parents/carers with an overview of the key information linked to attendance at Holyhead including:

    • Key times in the day - when is a student recorded as late?
    • Reporting absence - who do you inform and by when in the morning?
    • Requests for absence - what is required and how is this done?
    • How we follow up on absences and why we need to do this
    • Understanding our Attendance Policy

    This information will be on the website from Monday 13th January and we will send out an Arbor message which contains the concise overview document itself as well as the link on the website when this is live.

    Other key upcoming dates and events in January / February

    • We have Y10 workshops on improving communication led by Talk the Talk on Wednesday 15th January.
    • We will be hosting the annual Spelling Bee finals event on Wednesday 29th January from 4pm.
    • The Spring term Mock Exams for Y11/13 begin on Monday 3rd February and run through to Friday 14th February.
    • The live shows of our production of Sister Act will be on Wednesday 5th February and Thursday 6th February with doors open from 5.30pm for a 6pm start. More details will be released soon on how to buy tickets.

    I thank you as ever for your time in reading this letter and wish you and your family good health and fortune for the weeks ahead.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr D Knox

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  • December 2024 Update letter

    Published 10/12/24
    Our Ref: DK/jh/gltr/dec 24 9th December 2024 Dear Parent/Carer I hope you and your family are well and you find December’s update letter of help to you. The focus of the final monthly update letter of 2024 is on: The upcoming
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